The Wise Quacking Duck
The Wise Quacking Duck is a 1943 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. The cartoon was released on May 1, 1943, and stars Daffy Duck. In the short, an exceedingly mild-mannered man is sent out to kill a duck for dinner by his wife. Unfortunately for him, he picks Daffy Duck as his victim.
Daffy Duck
[edit]- Look, Folks. A secret bomb site. Hoo-Hoo!
Mr. Meek
[edit]- Oh, I really hate to do this, folks, but my wife Sweetypuss said if I don't roast a duck for dinner, she'll cook my goose.
[edit]- Mr. Meek: Say, that's that Daffy Duck.
- Daffy Duck: You ain't just whistling Dixie!
- [smashes a pie in his face]
External links
[edit]- The Wise Quacking Duck quotes at the Internet Movie Database