Pokémon/Season 16

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This is a list of episodes in Pokémon: Black and White Adventures in Unova, the sixteenth season of the Pokémon animated series

Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!

Cynthia: Safe trip. Good luck, Ash.
Ash: Thanks.
Cynthia: And of course, all of you take good care.

Moira: I innocently let my Cinccino out to become more beautiful by getting some fresh air, when your unattractive Emolga attacked it, putting it's beauty in jeopardy. The nerve of your unsaintly Pokémon!
Mona: You tell them, my dear Moira!
Moira: And then there's your Snivy! It's unattractive on the outside and the inside!

A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!


A Village Homecoming!


Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!

Officer Jenny: [over microphone] You are not allowed up there without proper authorization. Come down here at once!
Ash: You could get hurt, Iris!
Officer Jenny: Iris? Not her again!

Officer Jenny: How many times have I told you? Climbing that tower is dangerous! Listen, what would've happened if you'd fallen off? Are you listening to me?!
Iris: Sure, I'm listening!
Officer Jenny: Alright, don't ever do that again! UNDERSTAND?!!!
Ash, Iris & Cilan: Yes...

Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!

Virgil: Really? Ash, you're going to compete in the Unova League?
Ash: Yup, that's why we're on our way to Vertress City.
Virgil: Wonderful! Then I'm certain we'll cross paths again.
Ash: Huh?
Iris: What are you talking about?
Jeff: It's simple.
Davy: Virgil's competing as well.
Virgil: I just completed my journey going around challenging Gyms to help me prepare for my rescue work.

Curtain Up, Unova League!

Stephan: Hey, Ash and Bianca! How's it going, gang?
Ash: Great, Stephan. Nice to see you!

Ash: Hey, Virgil!
Virgil: Hey, if it isn't Ash!
Cilan: Impressive aerial entrance.
Iris: That's so cool!
Virgil: Come on. We were just dropping off an injured Pokémon at the Pokémon Center.
[Virgil notices Bianca and Stephan]
Ash: Oh yeah. This is Bianca and Stephan.
Iris: They're friends of ours we competed with when we were in the Clubsplosion.

Virgil: So, Ash, have you been to registration yet?
Ash: Not yet.
Virgil: Then why don't we go and register together?
Ash: Sure!

[Ash, Iris, Cilan, Bianca, Stephan and Virgil head to the Pokémon Center to register. Trip is also heading to the Pokémon Center to register as well]
Ash: Hey, it's Trip!
Trip: So, that means you've got eight gym badges too?
Ash: You bet!

Mission: Defeat Your Rival!


Lost at the League!

[Note: This is considered to be the worst Black and White episode as well as the worst League episode, because this is a filler episode being put in the middle of the Unova League arc.]
Ash: I'm not holding back! Look out, I'm gonna win too.
Pikachu: Pika-pika! [We'll be ready for you!]
Stephan: Took the words right out of my mouth! And may the best trainer win!
Ash: You bet! [Both Ash and Stephan do a fist bump]

[Pikachu informs Ash that Axew is missing]
Ash: What's up, Pikachu? [Pikachu tells him that Iris' Axew is missing as he was chasing a red runaway balloon] Where did Axew go?
[Iris checks her shoulder and sees Axew is not there]
Axew: Axew-ew-ew! Axew-ew-ew! Axew-ew-ew! [Hey come back here! I want that red balloon! Please stop floating away!]

Shopkeeper: That's strange. Now where could they have gotten off to?
Virgil: Is something wrong, ma'am?
Shopkeeper: Yes there is. There are four Trubbish living here and suddenly, they're all gone.
Bianca: Four Trubbish?
Shopkeeper: Yeah. They've been living with a Garbodor right down this alleyway. This must be because of that Oshawott.
Virgil: Oshawott?
Shopkeeper: I saw this impertinent-looking Oshawott roaming around here with a Pikachu and an Emolga, and they were up to something.

[Oshawott tries to be sneaky and reach for the food that is for Garbodor and Trubbish, only to get a tail whack from Pikachu]
Pikachu: [Scolding Oshawott for trying to eat the food for Garbodor and Trubbish] PIKA! [OSHAWOTT!] PIKA-PIKA-PIKACHU! [DON'T TOUCH THAT FOOD!]

Strong Strategy Steals the Show!


Cameron's Secret Weapon!

Ash: So that's what it is! Your secret weapon is Hydreigon!
Cameron: Of course it is. That's why its my secret weapon!

[Ash summons his Oshawott into battle against Cameron's Hydreigon...which is already a bad idea from the start. Hydreigon is fully evolved and part Dragon, thus it resists Water.]
Bianca: Uhhh...is that a good idea?
Stephan: It's hard to say. Maybe a strategy is to use Oshawott to chip away Hydreigon's stamina.
Bianca: Are you saying Oshawott is Ash's throwaway Pokémon?
Cilan: Hold on. Ash wouldn't do something like that. He's going to give it his all, of course.
Iris: He wouldn't do anything else.
[Note: Many fans claimed that Oshawott is a strong cute unevolved Pokémon that does not need to evolve at all. However, you can tell that Oshawott is the most laziest handled main protagonist owned Water-type Starter. It amounted to just recycling character traits from Dawn's Piplup and Ash's Totodile, without any attempt in evolving Oshawott whatsoever. Because of this, this was the reason why the writers were not allowed to mishandle anymore Water-type Starters.]

Cameron: No Hydreigon!

Cameron: When it comes to teammates Samurrott and I are numero uno.

Cameron: Riolu are you alright? Hey whats going on?

Iris: Riolu evolved into Lucario!

A Unova League Evolution!

[Note: The Unova League match where Cameron defeated Ash despite bringing five Pokémon into the full battle is universally seen as a sick joke.]
Freddy O'Martin: Lucario scores! Snivy's been stopped in its tracks by Lucario's Aura Sphere! [Snivy was often praised by many fans as "Turtwig done right" - a fast cute unevolved Grass Starter who does not need evolution, which is complete garbage because anyone could point out that she was a lazy copy of Bulbasaur just like Torterra was as a Turtwig. Also, the handling of Snivy was proven to be shortsighted (one Gym battle victory, no league battle wins, no change in moveset, not fleshing out her backstory enough and not making her into a powerful Serperior). This loss in the league shows how the ideal Turtwig premise failed because Snivy is fast but has a lack of strength.]

Referee: Pikachu is unable to battle. Lucario is the winner, which means Cameron wins the match!
Freddy O'Martin: Lucario has wrapped this up with Aura Sphere, so Cameron wins this fierce battle and joins our top four trainers as they moved on to the semi-finals.
[Note: There are also a lot of problems with Ash's team in this fight. Unfezant lost to a Riolu despite having a type-advantage and being fully evolved; Oshawott, Snivy, Boldore and Pignite are not fully evolved and were poorly trained because Ash caught way too many Unova Pokémon and the writers focused mostly on the cuteness and comedic traits of Ash's Unova team instead of character development; Cameron's Riolu evolved into a Lucario to defeat Ash's Pokémon, similar to what Ash did in previous Unova battles; the series is an Indigo League rehash; Ash owning all three starters proved to be a fatal concept because they took up most of the spotlight yet none are fully evolved- a similar error made in Johto. And fans still delude themselves into thinking that Ash owning all three starters and disregarding evolution automatically makes his team look awesome.]

Ash: Hey, Virgil. Congratulations on your win!
Virgil: Thanks, Ash.
Cameron: There's no doubt Team Eevee was awesome, but you won't beat me next time!
Virgil: You know, after competing, Eevee's more confident than ever before. We're really grateful to you and everyone else too.

New Places... Familiar Faces!



The Name's N!


There's a New Gym Leader in Town!

Ash: Hi there! Professor Juniper recommended that we come here.
Cheren: Aha! So it's you. Professor Juniper called and let me know you were coming.

[Ash and Iris have recovered Pikachu and Axew from the control room]
Ash: I'm so sorry for all this!
Iris: Please forgive us!
[Ash and Iris are very angry with Pikachu and Axew for causing trouble]
Pikachu & Axew: Pika-Pikachu, Axew-ew... [We're both very sorry...]
Cheren: I see you feel bad, and you're forgiven. But still, don't ever do that again. OK?
Pikachu: Pika.
Axew: Axew.

Ash: (putting away his Unova dex) Wow, he's using Herdier. I know who I want.
[Immeadiately, Oshawott comes out of his Pokéball]
Oshawott: Oshawott! [Ready to go!]
Ash: Oshawott?
Oshawott: Osha-Oshawott! [Yep, let me at 'em!]
Ash: Do you want to battle?
Oshawott: Osha! [Oh yes!]
Ash: Awesome, then I choose you! [Note: It is obvious that the writers did not even think about evolving Oshawott after the Unova League as well. Who cares, right? As long as Oshawott is cuter than Dewott and Samurott, kids will automatically prefer it over the evolved counterparts.]

Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!


The Light of Floccesy Ranch!


Saving Braviary!


The Pokémon Harbor Patrol!

N: Well, I don't approve the idea of recruiting Pokémon for dangerous rescue missions at all.
Halsey: Oh, why?
N: Pokémon have a magnificent world that's all their own. I wouldn't mind if Pokémon were rescuing other Pokémon. But I can't agree with rescuing people. Those Pokémon will never find happiness doing that.
Halsey: Well, it's true that Pokémon have saved people's lives from time to time, but please remember people have saved Pokémon's lives as well. When it comes to rescue, there isn't any difference between people and Pokémon.
N: I wonder about that.
Halsey: What are you saying?!

Ash: I can't leave! No way!

The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!

[Ash has just contacted Professor Oak on the computer at the Pokemon Center and explains his request]
Professor Oak: Sorry to keep you waiting, Ash. Charizard just arrived from Charicific Valley and I have Charizard's Poke-ball right here!
Ash: Great! Thanks for all your help, Professor.
Pikachu: Pika-Pika!
Professor Oak: Which Pokemon are you going to exchange?
Ash: I'm going to send Unfezant.
Professor Oak: Good! Smart choice! Swellow and Staraptor will be thrilled with a new friend. Another Flying-type Pokemon will allow them to have battle races at super speed!
Ash: Awesome! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Pikachu: Pika! [Agreed!]
Professor Oak: Let's begin the exchange!
Ash: [places Unfezant's Poké-ball into the transporter] Unfezant, you're going to make new friends. [Seconds later, the exchange is made and Charizard's Poké-ball has arrived. As Ash picks it up, Professor Oak also receives Unfezant on his end as well.] I got it safe and sound!
Professor Oak: Great and Unfezant is right here!

Ash: [takes a deep breath before throwing out Charizard's Poké Ball to call it out] Okay! Charizard, I choose you!
[As soon as Charizard comes out of the Poké Ball, Charizard lets out an incredibly loud roar, startling the others. Oh yeah, he's back everyone!]
Ash: Charizard, it's so good to see you!
[Pikachu greets his old friend back and hops onto Charizard's shoulder. Charizard gives the thumbs up signalling he's fine as well]
Cilan: So that's Charizard. I've never seen one in person.
N: I can just sense its incredibly rich history.
Ash: Okay! N, Iris, and Cilan, I want you to meet Charizard!
[Charizard, for old-time's sake, affectionately fires a Flamethrower at Ash, concerning Pikachu.]
Iris: Uh-oh!
Cilan: There's a whole lotta love in that Flamethrower, like a family recipe lovingly handed down from generation to generation!
Ash: Wow, that Flamethrower of yours is stronger than ever! [How he survives an even stronger Flamethrower is beyond us...]

Cilan: They say opposites attract, but I say likes attract too!
N: I think you're exactly right. Those two are drawn to each other.

Iris: It is a bit strange. I was sure that Dragon Rush would have done more. After all, Charizard is a Dragon-type Pokemon.
Ash: Huh?
Cilan: Huh?
Pikachu: Pika? [Huh?]
Charizard: Raw?! [You're joking, right?!]
Dragonite: Gr? [Really?]
[N snickers at this comment]
Iris: Did I say something funny?
Ash: The thing is Charizard isn't a Dragon-type.
Iris: But I saw Charizard use Dragon Tail and flying around and everything! It sure looks like a Dragon-type to me!
Ash: Look. [brings up his Unova Pokedex]
Unova Pokedex: Charizard, the Flame Pokémon. Charizard is a Flying and Fire type. When competing in intense battles, Charizard's flame becomes more intense as well.
Iris: NO! And here I was hoping to catch a Charizard and raise it too! [Axew laughs at her for that embarrassment]

Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!

Aldith: N, Lord Ghetsis is looking for you!
N: I don't care! Leave me alone!

Aldith: What are you doing here? You have been ordered to present yourself to Lord Ghetsis.
N: I'm through listening to any of you. NOW YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO THESE POKÉMON?!!

Secrets From Out of the Fog!


Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

[Meowth is admiring Colress' device]
Meowth: Cool. A device that can control Pokémon, is a real piece of work. Got to hand it to you.
Colress: Amazing. To think that a Pokémon would be praising my work, I am honoured, thank you.
Meowth: Sure, but it's your talent that really floats my boat. You wouldn't know it, working for Team Plasma.
Colress: Oh?
Meowth: Let's cut to the chase. This day job doesn't thrill you and you know it. You couldn't care less about Team Plasma's puffed-up plans. You want to do your research. I can see it in your eyes.
Colress: Hm. And if I join Team Rocket, all my wishes will come true?
Meowth: There's a big, "Duh."
Colress: It's an interesting proposition. And, speaking of interesting, I find you to be quite interesting, as well.
Meowth: Who, me?
Colress: You. One doesn't come across a talking Meowth every day, you know. In fact, in very much the same way Team Rocket seems to need me, I need you, too.
Meowth: Want to translate that?
Colress: You're an intelligent Pokémon. I could really use your help.
Meowth: Mm, I'll lay you 2:1 odds that you want to use me as a test subject.
Colress: Yes, there would be no better test subject than a true one-of-a-kind Pokémon.
Meowth: Me - part of your first experiment, as a Team Rocket member? You've got yourself a deal.
Colress: My heartfelt thanks. (Shakes hands with Meowth)

Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals! !


Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!


What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!

Looker: Thank you, Ash. I wouldn't have been successful without your help. We'll meet again.
Ash: Right!
[Looker gets into his car and drives off]
Ash: Take care of yourself, Detective Looker!

N: Ash, and everyone, thank you. It's now the right time for the three of us to take up this journey together, to create an ideal world for people and Pokémon.

Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!


Danger, Sweet as Honey!


Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness !

[The episode begins with the ship leaving Honey Island as Ash and his friends watch from behind the fence which has a green railing]
Narrator: Continuing their cruise to the Kanto region, our heroes now leave Honey Island behind them, and head for their next adventure.
Ash: I wonder what Pokémon we'll see on the next island. I'm so psyched.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Iris: The ocean breeze is so nice. It's wonderful.
Axew: Ew, ew!
Cilan: It's going to be a long ride until the next port, so we've got lots of time to enjoy.
Porter: How about this? There is the Marine Cup Tournament you could enter.
Ash: Huh? Porter, hi.
Iris: When did you get here? I thought the ship we saw you on yesterday had left the port already.
Porter: That's right, I'm this ship's porter. You saw my cousin Porter on yesterday's ship.
Iris: I see. It's just like Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy.
Ash: So, tell us more about that Marine Cup Tournament.
[Porter shows them Ash and his friends to the battlefield aboard the ship]
Porter: Sure. It's where passengers engage in Pokémon battles all vying to be the top prize winner.
Ash: That sounds great. I'd like to enter!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Iris: Me too.
Axew: Ew!
Cilan: There is no better way to evaluate a battle than while sampling the delicious breeze the ocean will serve up.
Porter: All right, then I'll make all the arrangements. And don't miss the Ripple Collection. Mrs. Ripple's exhibit will be displayed in the ballroom for everyone to see, as soon as the tournament ends.
Ash: Mrs. Ripple?
Porter: Yes. Ah, that's her right over there. [Points with his hand to Mrs. Ripple, a lady who is dressed smartly in pink]
Cilan: Her face looks awfully familiar to me.
Porter: I'm sure you've seen her on TV before. Mrs. Ripple is one of the most famous gem collectors in the Unova region.
Mrs Ripple: Something wrong? Come here, Purrloin.
Cilan: Purrloin? (Mrs Ripple's Purrloin walks into the scene, surprising Cilan) That's right! She's the gem collector who has a Purrloin. I knew there was a reason I remembered her.
Mrs Ripple's Purrloin: Purrloin, Purr.
Cilan: Ah!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!

Crowning the Scalchop King!


The Island of Illusions!


To Catch a Rotom!

[Iris' Emolga uses Attract on the three Rotom]
Ash: Yeah. Maybe using Attract can control those three.
[Unfortunately, Attract does not work on the three Rotom! The three Rotom snicker at the fact that Attract did not work on them, much to Iris and Emolga's shock. Rotom is genderless, therefore it cannot be affected by Attract.]
Ash: ...or not.
Cilan: How can that be? Oh perhaps, those Rotom are female, huh?
Professor Oak: I'm afraid Rotom are neither male nor female and that's the reason Attract had no effect on them.

The Pirates of Decolore!

Meowth: So this is where those sticky fingers hang out. Now I've gotta give Jessie and James the lowdown.
[Ducklett walks to the entrance of the cave]
Ducklett: DUCK! [INTRUDER!]
Meowth: AHHH!
[Meowth hides behind the rock]
Ducklett: Ducklett-Duck! [An intruder has followed us!]

Meowth: I'm a card-carrying member of Team Rocket. Truth is, we're all in the same robbing biz!
Croconaw: Cro-Cro-Croc-Croconaw-Cro-Cro? [Do any of you know what Team Rocket is?]

Butterfree and Me!


The Path That Leads to Goodbye!

[A Dunsparce has just flown away, leaving Ash dismayed]
Cilan: I would guess the chances of finding that Dunsparce again are slim to none.
Ash: I guess you're right. [Turns to look at Iris crossly] If Axew hadn't gotten in the way, I would've been able to catch that Dunsparce!
Iris: WHAT? You're blaming Axew?! For your information, it was all your fault for starting a battle without making a plan FIRST!
Ash: That's because it wouldn've gotten away by then. Oh! [Sees the broken flowers on the path] Oh! [Remembers when the flowers fell out of Iris' hair and Ash landed on them, squashing them] Uh oh.
[Iris picks up Axew and walks away from Ash and Cilan]
Cilan: A petty disagreement can gradually grow to the point where it turns into a huge argument which becomes difficult to reverse. And I'm afraid that's exactly where those two are headed.
[Soon, Ash and Cilan are following Iris]
Cilan: Look, Ash, it's too bad about Dunsparce, but what happened was simply an accident.
Ash: (sadly) Yeah.
[The camera cuts to Pikachu walking alongside Ash]
Cilan: It's better to make up quickly after a fight rather than drag it out. The longer you wait, the harder it'll be for either of you to apologise.
Ash: (sadly) Yeah.
[Then, Pikachu sees something nearby]
Pikachu: Pi, pika, pi.
Ash: Now what, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika, pika! (Points up to a tree full of fruit)
Ash: Berries, I know. (Grabs one fruit from the tree) I can't believe how good these berries look. Let's eat.
Pikachu: Pikachu. Pikachu.
Ash: Taste great, right, Pikachu? Hey, Cilan, want one?
Cilan: Sure, that sounds great, thanks.
Ash: Catch. (Throws a fruit to Cilan who then eats it)
Cilan: Mmm, it's truly delectable.
Ash: Hey, Iris and Axew, catch. (Throws fruits to Iris and Axew)
Axew: Axew, ew!
[Iris catches the fruits with her own two hands]
Ash: Just give them a try.
Iris: Oh, well. Guess if he insists. This one's for you. (She and Axew start eating their fruits, making Ash and Cilan happy, but then....)
Axew: Ew!
[...Iris finds the taste rather bitter]
Iris: Bleurgh!
Cilan: Iris?
Iris: So bitter.
Axew: Axew, ew.
Ash: There's no way that berry's bitter. But that look on your face is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Iris: I mean it. It's really bitter. I can't believe you. (Turns angry) You gave me a bad tasting berry just to get back at me.
Ash: No, I wouldn't do that, I swear.
Iris: You're not just a little kid, ASH KETCHUM, you're a BIG BABY!!! (Throws her berry at Ash, but Cilan catches it)
Ash: What did you throw that at me for?
Iris: You're a little kid. No, wait, you're a HUGE BABY!!!!
Ash: I wouldn't talk if I were you. YOU LOSE YOUR GRIT FOR NO REASON AT ALL!
Cilan: Now, let's all just calm down.
Cilan: (Chuckles) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Iris: I've had just about all I can take travelling with you! I'M OUTTA HERE!
Axew: Axew.
Iris: Let's go, Axew. (Picks up Axew)
Pikachu: Pikapi, pikachu.
Cilan: And just like that, their petty disagreement grew and grew and got way out of hand.


Searching for a Wish!


Capacia Island UFO!

James: Small group of people? We're a small group.
Jessie: Well if you mean us, why didn't it have any effect?!
Meowth: [still brainwashed by the Beheeyem] I'm afraid idiots are hard to hypnotize.
[Ash, Pikachu, Jessie and James are stunned by the response]
Ash, Jessie and James: IDIOTS?!?! GRRRR....
[The Beheeyem are scared and take back the insult]
Meowth: One second. What were we attempting to convey to all of you is that gifted people are hard to hypnotize.
Jessie: I see. So you're implying we're geniuses?
Meowth: Mmmm. Whatever you say.
James: [glad with the others] Now we're getting to the truth of the matter!
[The Beheeyem sigh in relief, as does Meowth]
Ash: Glad we got that straight.

The Journalist from Another Region!

Iris: Ash, stop it! You're scaring Helioptile!

Mystery on a Deserted Island!


A Pokémon of a Different Color!

[As Alexa leaves for her work on her report, a familiar voice is heard and a figure is walking by. It's Clair, the Dragon-type Gym Leader from Blackthorn City, Johto.]
Clair: Dragonite, where are you? Please come out here!
[Both Ash and Pikachu are shocked and immediately recognize her]
Ash: Is that you? Wow, Clair, it is you!
Clair: I can't believe it, it's Ash!
Ash: Right! That's so cool that you still remember me!
Clair: Well, how could I forget? I owe you for stopping my Dragonite when it was on a tear using Outrage. [a flashback is shown of how Ash and Clair teamed up to stop the rampaging Dragonite] You really helped us get out of a jam, Pikachu. Thanks.

Celebrating the Hero's Comet!


Go, Go Gogoat!


Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!

Iris: Emolga, please make sure Axew doesn't get hurt, OK?
Emolga: Emol! [Sure thing!]

Iris: Emolga, didn't I tell you not to use Discharge on our friends? And you were supposed to look after Axew too!
Emolga: Emol! Emol-Emol-Emol-Em... [It wasn't me! Axew only got hurt by a wild Gal...]
Snivy: [Hits Emolga with Vine Whip and points at Emolga] SNIVY! [EMOLGA DID IT!]
[After being unfairly shouted at by Iris, Emolga becomes upset and flies off]
Ash: Uh, don't look now. Emolga's gone.
Iris: Forget it! Emolga will be back soon enough.

[Emolga decides to battle Team Rocket by kicking a rock towards Jessie, who immediately raises a fist]
Meowth: Want us to bring it on? Looks like someone got off the wrong side of the bed.
Jessie: [through clenched teeth] If Emolga wants to rumble, let's rumble!

Jessie: Emolga, you're such a brave and strong Pokémon. I think you should join Team Rocket.

Iris: I just wanna know why Emolga joined Team Rocket?!
Cilan: Come, come. I don't think Emolga really joined Team Rocket.
Cilan: Why do you think Emolga would act this way?
Iris: Well, all I did was tell Emolga to apologize.
Ash: Maybe it had something to do with that!

Axew: Axew-ew-Axew! [Emolga, please come back to Iris!]
Emolga: Emol-Emol-Emol-Emol! [Not after what Iris did to me!]

Survival of the Striaton Gym!

Ash: It didn't have to attack Pansage for no reason!
Iris: That's right! Pansage was trying to be nice and share!
Morana: If you don't like it, I suggest you keep your Pokémon in its Poké Ball, children.

Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!


The Dream Continues!

Ash: [As soon as Unfezant, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Boldore and Krookodile arrive, he sends out the remaining members of the Unova team] Come on out, gang! [Charizard, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy and Oshawott appear and begin meet and greet with Pikachu and the rest of the Unova team.] Everyone, Unova was great. Thanks alot. [The crew responds with their version of "You're welcome!"] All of you battled hard in the Unova League. You're the best! [The crew responds postively, even though Charizard rejoined Ash after the Unova League] We may not have gotten first place but our journey together made us a whole lot stronger and that's what really counts.

[Final lines in the Best Wishes series. The next day, a plane touches down on the runaway at the airport. Inside the airport building, Ash, who is now wearing some new clothes for when he goes to Kalos, is standing next to Alexa and talking to his mother and Professor Oak]
Ash: All right. I'll call you when I get to the Kalos region.
Delia: Pikachu, take good care of Ash for me.
Professor Oak: My boy, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your new Pokémon.
Ash: Right!
Pikachu: Pika!
Delia: [off camera] Hmm.
Ash: Mom, what?
Delia: You. Nice clothes.
Ash: Huh? Mom, you're embarrassing me!
Delia: Please, Alexa. Get him to Kalos safely.
Alexa: I give you my word.
Delia: [to Ash] I'll see you soon. Take care.
Ash: Don't worry, Mom. You too.
Pikachu: Pika-pika!
[Later, the plane that's bound for the Kalos region is taking off as it leaves the airport. Professor Oak and Delia, meanwhile, have seen it flying off from behind a tall fence]
Professor Oak: Well, Ash is off on another adventure.
Delia: Good luck, darling. I'll always be rooting for you. [The wind blows through her hair]
[Onboard the plane, Ash and Pikachu are sitting next to Alexa]
Ash: Kalos region, here I come!
Narrator: And so, as Ash bids farewell to Pallet Town and the Kanto region, the Kalos region awaits, with the promise of new and thrilling adventures. With the dream of Pokémon mastery stronger than ever, Ash and Pikachu are off again as the journey continues.
[An image of Ash and Pikachu appears above the text that reads NEXT TIME... A NEW BEGINNING!]