List of people by name, I–J
(Redirected from List of people by name, I-J)
Subset of List of people by name
(Anonymous) to Azzopardi - Ba to Byron - C to Cyrus
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
[edit]- Iacocca, Lee
- Iamblichus of Chalcis
- Ibárruri, Dolores
- Ibrahimović, Zlatan
- Ibsen, Henrik
- Icke, David
- Ickes, Harold L.
- Ide, Joe
- Idle, Eric
- Ifill, Gwen
- Iglesias, Gabriel
- Iglesias, Julio
- Ignatieff, Michael
- Ignatius of Loyola
- Ihimaera, Witi
- Ihnatowicz, Edward
- Iijima, Sumio
- Iizuka, Naomi
- Ikkyū
- Ilaiah, Kancha
- Illarionov, Andrey
- Illich, Ivan
- Iloilo, Ratu Josefa
- Imam, Neamat
- Imani, Blair
- Immendorff, Jörg
- Immers, Lex
- Immortal Technique (born Felipe Coronel)
- Imus, Don
- Infeld, Leopold
- Ingalls, John James
- Inge, Charles
- Inge, William Ralph
- Ingelow, Jean
- Ingersoll, Robert G.
- Ingham, Bernard
- Ingrams, Richard
- Inhofe, James
- Innes, Neil
- Innis, Harold
- Inouye, Daniel
- Introvigne, Massimo
- Inzamam-ul-Haq
- Iolo Goch
- Ionesco, Eugène
[edit]- Ippen
- Iqbal, Muhammad
- 'Iraqi, Fakhruddin
- Iredell, James
- Irenaeus
- Iribarne, Manuel Fraga
- Irons, Jeremy
- Irvan, Ernie
- Irving, David
- Irving, John
- Irving, Washington
- Irwin, James
- Irwin, Steve
- Isaac of Nineveh
- Isaacs, Sir Jeremy
- Isaacson, Walter
- Isaiah
- Isherwood, Christopher
- Ishiguro, Kazuo
- Ishihara, Satomi
- Ishikawa, Takuboku
- Isidore of Seville
- Islam, Yakoub
- Ismail, Moulay
- Ismay, Hastings
- Isou, Isidore
- Issigonis, Alec
- Isocrates
- Itagaki, Seishirō
- Itagaki, Tomonobu
- Italicus, Silius
- Ive, Jonathan
- Ivers, Charlotte
- Iverson, Allen
- Iverson, Kenneth E.
- Ives, Charles
- Ivins, Molly
- Iwata, Satoru
- Izetbegović, Alija
- Izzard, Eddie
[edit]- Jabotinsky, Ze'ev
- Jacks, L. P.
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson, Derek
- Jackson, George (Black Panther)
- Jackson, Helen Hunt
- Jackson, Holbrook
- Jackson, Jackson
- Jackson, Jaime
- Jackson, Janet
- Jackson, Jesse
- Jackson, Joshua
- Jackson, Kerry
- Jackson, Michael
- Jackson, Mitchell S.
- Jackson, Peter
- Jackson, Reggie
- Jackson, Robert H.
- Jackson, Shelley
- Jackson, Shirley
- Jackson, Shirley (physicist)
- Jackson, Shoeless Joe
- Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall"
- Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
- Jacobi, Derek
- Jacobs, Glenn (a.k.a. "Kane")
- Jacobs, Jane
- Jacobs, Joseph
- Jacobs, Marc
- Jacobs, Sherelle
- Jacobsen, Josephine
- Jacobson, Howard
- Jacobson, Ivar
- Jacoby, Russell
- Jacquard, Albert
- Jae-gi, Sung
- Jaffe, Robert
- Jagger, Mick
- Jain, Girilal
- Jakobovits, Immanuel, Chief Rabbi
- Jalaluddin, Uzma
- Jalil, Mustafa Abdul
- Jamal, Ahmad
- James I of England
- James II of England
- James I of Scotland
- James, son of Zebedee
- James, Alice
- James, Bill
- James, C. L. R.
- James, Cheryl
- James, Clive
- James, Daniel, Jr.
- James, Donald
- James, Henry
- James, John Angell
- James, Kevin
- James, LeBron
- James, M. R.
- James, Marlon
- James, P. D.
- James, Paul Moon
- James, William
- Jameson, Jenna
- Jamison, Judith
- Jamison, Kay Redfield
- Janáček, Leoš
- Jang-jip, Choi
- Jannati, Ahmad
- Jansen, Theo
- Jansson, Tove
- Jara, Víctor
- Jardine, Lisa
- Jardine, Quintin
- Jarman, Derek
- Jarrah, Ziad
- Jarre, Jean-Michel
- Jarre, Maurice
- Jarrell, Randall
- Jarry, Alfred
- Jarvis, Eugene
- Jaspers, Karl
- Jastrow, Robert
- Javadi-Amoli, Abdollah
- Jawlensky, Alexej von
- Jay, John
- Jayawardene, Mahela
- Jaynes, Edwin Thompson
- Jaynes, Julian
- Jay-Z
[edit]- Jeans, James
- Jeffers, Robinson
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jeffrey, Francis
- Jeffreys, Charles
- Jeffress, Robert
- Jeffries, Lionel
- Jehovah
- Jehst
- Jekyll, Gertrude
- Jelinek, Elfriede
- Jelinek, Fred
- Jemisin, N. K.
- Jemison, Mae
- Jeni, Richard
- Jenkin, Bernard
- Jenkins, Beverly
- Jenkins, David (bishop)
- Jenkins, Florence Foster
- Jenkins, Roy
- Jenks, Edward
- Jenner, Caitlyn Marie
- Jenner, Edward
- Jenner, Henry
- Jennings, Elizabeth
- Jennings, Peter
- Jennings, Waylon
- Jensen, Arthur
- Jensen, Derrick
- Jensen, Hayley
- Jenson, Vicky
- Jeong Yak-yong
- Jephson, Digby
- Jericho, Chris
- Jerome, Jerome K.
- Jerome
- Jerrold, Douglas William
- Jesse, F. Tennyson
- Jessel, George
- Jesus Christ
- Jeter, Derek
- Jethani, Skye
- Jevons, William Stanley
- Jewel (singer)
- Jewett, Frank B.
- Jewett, Sarah Orne
- Jewison, Norman
- Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer
- Jiabao, Wen
- Jiang Yi-huah
- Jillette, Penn
- Jiménez, Juan Ramón
- Jin Xing
- Jing, Jin
- Jindal, Bobby
- Jinnah, Muhammad Ali
- Jintao, Hu
- Ji-sung, Park
[edit]- Joan of Arc
- Jobs, Steve
- Jodl, Alfred
- Jodorowsky, Alejandro
- Joe the Plumber (Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher)
- Joel, Billy
- Joffre, Joseph
- Jofre, Eder
- Johannes Scotus Eriugena
- Johansson, Scarlett
- John of Damascus
- John, King of England
- John of Bohemia
- John of Salisbury
- John of St. Samson
- John of the Cross
- John the Baptist
- John the Evangelist
- John Paul I (Pope)
- John Paul II (Pope)
- John XXIII (Pope)
- John, Elton
- John, Gwen
- Johns, Daniel
- Johns, Jasper
- Johns, Michael
- Johnson, Alan
- Johnson, Alexander
- Johnson, Andrew
- Johnson, Ben
- Johnson, Betsey
- Johnson, Beverly
- Johnson, Boris
- Johnson, Charles Foster
- Johnson, David
- Johnson, Don
- Johnson, Dwayne ("The Rock")
- Johnson, Eyvind
- Johnson, Fenton
- Johnson, Gary
- Johnson, Glen
- Johnson, Herrick
- Johnson, Hiram
- Johnson, Holly
- Johnson, Jack (boxer)
- Johnson, Jack (musician)
- Johnson, James Weldon
- Johnson, Lionel
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Johnson, Magic
- Johnson, Nkosi
- Johnson, Paul
- Johnson, Pauline
- Johnson, Philip
- Johnson, Phillip E.
- Johnson, Sabra
- Johnson, Samuel
- Johnson, Susan (Australian)
- Johnson, Tim
- Johnston, Harry
- Johnston, James Finlay Weir
- Johnston, Jill
- Join-sane, Lin
[edit]- Jolie, Angelina
- Joliot-Curie, Frederic
- Jolly, Arthur M.
- Jonas, Nick
- Jones, Adam "Pacman"
- Jones, Alex
- Jones, Chuck
- Jones, Diana Wynne
- Jones, George
- Jones, Grace
- Jones, Griff Rhys
- Jones, James
- Jones, Jason
- Jones, Jim
- Jones, John Paul
- Jones, Mary Harris
- Jones, Michael
- Jones, Mick
- Jones, Mike
- Jones, Norah
- Jones, Pamela
- Jones, Peter
- Jones, Raymond F.
- Jones, Rufus (writer)
- Jones, Saeed
- Jones, Sarah (stage actress)
- Jones, Stephen F.
- Jones, Tayari
- Jones, Terry
- Jones, Tom
- Jones, Tommy Lee
- Jones, Van
- Jones, William (ecclesiastic)
- Jones, William (philologist)
- Jones,Franklin D.
- Jong, Erica
- Jong-il, Kim
- Jonson, Ben
- Joplin, Janis
- Joplin, Scott
- Jopling, Michael
- Jordan, Colin
- Jordan, June
- Jordan, Michael
- Jordan, Pascual
- Jordan, Robert
- Joreen (a.k.a. Jo Freeman)
- Jorn, Asger
- José, José
- Joseffy, Rafael
- Joseph, Bradley
- Joseph (Chief)
- Joseph, Jenny
- Joseph, Keith
- Josephus on the Essenes
- Josephus, Flavius
- Joshi, Bhimsen
- Joshua, T. B.
- Joubert, Joseph
- Joubert, Piet
- Joule, James Prescott
- Jovi, Jon Bon
- Jovovich, Milla
- Jowett, Benjamin
- Joyce, Helen
- Joyce, James
- Joyce, Michael
- Joyce, William