List of people by name, Q–R
Subset of List of people by name
(Anonymous) to Azzopardi - Ba to Byron - C to Cyrus
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
[edit]- Qaradawi, Yusuf
- Qarase, Laisenia
- Qassem, Naim
- Qi Jiguang
- Qian, Sima
- Qian Xuesen
- Qin Shi Huang
- Quade, Kirsten Valdez
- Quadros, Jânio
- Qualtinger, Helmut
- Quammen, David
- Quarles, Francis
- Quayle, Dan
- Queen Latifah
- Quesada, Joe
- Quesnay, François
- Quest, Richard
- Questlove
- Quetelet, Adolphe
- Quigley, Carroll
- Quillen, Jimmy
- Quillen, Robert
- Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur
- Quincy, Josiah, II
- Quincy, Josiah, III
- Quindlen, Anna
- Quine, Willard van Orman
- Quinlan, John
- Quinn, Anthony
- Quintero, Isabel
- Quintilian, Marcus Fabius
- Qutb, Muhammad
- Qutb, Sayyid
[edit]- Ra, see Rueckert, Carla
- Ra, Sun
- Rabelais, François
- Rabi, Isidor Isaac
- Rabin, Yitzhak
- Rachels, James
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei
- Racine, Jean
- Radbruch, Gustav
- Radcliffe, Ann
- Radcliffe, Daniel
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
- Radiguet, Raymond
- Radin, Joshua
- Radke, Ronnie
- Radner, Gilda
- Rae, Bob
- Rae, Issa
- Raeder, Erich
- Raël
- Rafferty, Gerry
- Raftery, Bill
- Rafsanjani, Hashemi
- Raft, George
- Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur
- Rahman, Ziaur
- Rahner, Karl
- Raiffa, Howard
- Raine, Craig
- Raine, Kathleen
- Rainer, Luise
- Rainey, Joseph Hayne
- Rains, Claude
- Raja, Yuvan Shankar
- Rajagopalachari, C.
- Rajan, Raghuram
- Rajapaksa, Mahinda
- Rajaratnam, Sinnathamby
- Rajoub, Jibril
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Raleigh, Walter (professor)
- Rall, Ted
- Rāmabhadrācārya, Jagadguru
- Rambachan, Anantanand
- Ramachandran, Vilayanur S.
- Ramakrishna
- Raman, Varadaraja V.
- Ramanujan, Srinivasa
- Ramasamy, Periyar E. V.
- Ramban
- Rameau, Jean-Philippe
- Ramirez, Manny
- Ramírez, Pedro J.
- Ramirez, Richard
- Ramo, Simon
- Ramollah, Elia M.
- Ramsey, Aaron
- Ramsey, Alf
- Ramsey, Bertram
- Ramsey, Norman Foster, Jr.
- Ramsay, William
- Ramsoomair, Scott
- Ramtha
- Ranariddh, Norodom
- Rand, Ayn
- Rankine, William John Macquorn
- Randall, James Ryder
- Randall, Lisa
- Randi, James
- Ranganath, Charan
- Rangel, Charles B.
- Ranger, Terence
- Rania, Queen of Jordan
- Ranjitsinhji, K. S.
- Ranks, Shabba
- Ransford, Edwin
- Ransom, John Crowe
- Ransome, Arthur
- Rantzen, Esther
- Rao, Goparaju Ramachandra
- Rao, Shobha
- Raphael, Frederic
- Rapoport, Anatol
- Rapp, Anthony
- Räsänen, Syksy
- Rascoe, Burton
- Rashi
- Rashid, Rick
- Raskin, Jamie
- Raskin, Jef
- Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
- Rasmussen, Lars Løkke
- Rathbun, Mark
- Rathenau, Walther
- Rather, Dan
- Rathje, William
- Rattigan, Terence
- Raynaud, Serge
- Razak, Najib
- Rauch, Neo
- Raúl
- Rauschenberg, Robert
- Rauschenbusch, Walter
- Ravachol
- Ravel, Maurice
- Ravenscroft, Edward
- Ravnopolska-Dean, Anna-Maria
- Ravuvu, Asesela
- Rawles, James Wesley
- Rawls, John
- Ray, Amit
- Ray, Dixie Lee
- Ray, Gene
- Ray, John
- Ray, Man
- Ray, Satyajit
- Rayburn, Sam
- Raye, Martha
- Raymond, Derek
- Raymond, Eric S.
- Raynaud, Serge
- Rayner, Angela
- Rayner, Claire
- Raza, S.H.
- Razak, Najib
[edit]- Read, Herbert
- Read, Thomas Buchanan
- Reade, Charles
- Reade, William Winwood
- Reagan, Nancy
- Reagan, Ron
- Reagan, Ronald
- Realf, Richard
- Rechy, John
- Redding, Otis
- Redgrave, Vanessa
- Redon, Odilon
- Rée, Paul
- Reed, Alec
- Reed, Jamie
- Reed, John (actor)
- Reed, John (novelist)
- Reed, Lou
- Reed, Talbot Baines
- Rees, Martin
- Rees, Nigel
- Reese, Charley
- Reeve, Christopher
- Reeve, Dana
- Reeves, Hubert
- Reeves, Rachel
- Regan, Ash
- Regan, Brian
- Regan, Tom
- Reger, Max
- Rehman, Waheeda
- Rehn, Olli
- Rehnquist, William
- Reich, Charles A.
- Reitsch, Hanna
- Reich, Steve
- Reich, Wilhelm
- Reichenbach, Hans
- Reid, Harry
- Reid, John
- Reines, Ariana
- Reinfeldt, Fredrik
- Reinhardt, Ad
- Reinhart, Tanya
- Reiser, Hans
- Reisman, George
- Remarque, Erich Maria
- Rembrandt
- Remnick, David
- Renan, Ernest
- Renatus, Publius Flavius Vegetius
- Renault, Mary
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
- Rescher, Nicholas
- Rescorla, Cyril Richard "Rick"
- Respinti, Marco
- Reston, James
- Revel, Jean-François
- Revels, Hiram Rhodes
- Reubens, Paul
- Reuss, Theodor
- Reuther, Walter
- Revel, Jean-François
- Rex, Zvi
- Rexroth, Kenneth
- Reynolds, Alastair
- Reynolds, Burt
- Reynolds, Debbie
- Reynolds, Gillian
- Reynolds, Glenn Harlan
- Reynolds, Jason
- Reynolds, Joshua
- Reynolds, Malvina
- Reynolds, Quentin
- Reynolds, Richard (bishop)
- Reyshahri, Mohammad
- Rezaee, Mohsen
- Reznor, Trent
[edit]- Rhind-Tutt, Julian
- Rhodes, Cecil
- Rhodes, Happy
- Rhodes, William Barnes
- Rhymes, Busta
- Rhys-Davies, John
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von
- Ricard, Matthieu
- Ricardo, David
- Rice, Anne
- Rice, Condoleezza
- Rice, Donna
- Rice, Susan
- Rice, Tim
- Rice-Davies, Mandy
- Rich, Adrienne
- Rich, Buddy
- Rich, Dave
- Rich, Marc
- Richard I of England
- Richard III of England
- Richard of Chichester
- Richard, Little
- Richards, Ann
- Richards, Denise
- Richards, Frank, pen name of Charles Hamilton (writer)
- Richards, Keith
- Richards, Michael
- Richards, Vernon
- Richardson, Bill
- Richardson, Cameron
- Richardson, Damien
- Richardson, James
- Richardson, Jonathan
- Richardson, Ralph
- Richardson, Samuel
- Richelieu, Cardinal (born Armand Jean du Plessis)
- Richie, Lionel
- Richie, Nicole
- Richler, Mordecai
- Richter, Gerhard
- Richter, Sviatoslav
- Ricketts, Ed
- Rickey, Branch
- Rickey, George
- Rickover, Hyman G.
- Ricœur, Paul
- Ride, Sally
- Ridenour, David A.
- Riding, Laura
- Ridler, Anne
- Ridley, Arnold
- Ridley, Matt
- Ridley, Nicholas, Baron Ridley of Liddesdale
- Riebling, Mark
- Riefenstahl, Leni
- Rieff, Philip
- Riel, Louis
- Riemen, Rob
- Riesman, David
- Rigby, Kasha
- Riggs, Ransom
- Rihanna
- Riley, Bridget
- Riley, James Whitcomb
- Riley, Tim
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Rimbaud, Arthur
- Ringer, Javon
- Ringgold, Faith
- Ringwald, Molly
- Ripken, Jr., Cal
- Riquelme, Juan Román
- Risch, Jim
- Risom, Jens
- Ritchie, Dennis
- Ritenour, Lee
- Ritson, Joseph
- Rittenhouse, David
- Ritter, Scott
- Ritzer, George
- River, Okkervil
- Rivera, Carmen
- Rivera, Diego
- Rivera, Jesús Omar
- Rivera, José (playwright)
- Rivera, Tomás
- Rivera-Ortiz, Manuel
- Rivers, Joan
- Rivlin, Reuven
- Rizal, José
[edit]- Roach, Archie
- Robb, AnnaSophia
- Robbins, Anthony
- Robbins, Jesse
- Robbins, Tom
- Robert, Henry Martyn
- Roberts, Barbara
- Roberts, Cokie
- Roberts, Dmae
- Roberts, Emma
- Roberts, Howard
- Roberts, Jane
- Roberts, John
- Roberts, John G.
- Roberts, Julia
- Roberts, Keith
- Roberts, Michael (writer)
- Roberts, Pat
- Roberts, Paul Craig
- Robertson, Frederick William
- Robertson, Pat
- Robeson, Paul
- Robespierre, Maximilien
- Robinson, Charles Seymour
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington
- Robinson, George Wade
- Robinson, Jackie
- Robinson, Joan
- Robinson, Ken
- Robinson, Kim Stanley
- Robinson, Marilynne
- Robinson, Phoebe
- Robinson, Smokey
- Robinson, Spider
- Robinson, Sugar Ray
- Robinson, Tommy
- Robison, Shona
- Robson, Bobby
- Robson, Bryan
- Robson, Justina
- Rocha, Zack de la
- Rochau, Ludwig August von
- Roche, Boyle
- Roche, James Jeffrey
- Rock, Chris
- Rockefeller, David
- Rockefeller, John D.
- Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
- Rocker, Rudolf
- Rockwell, George Lincoln
- Rockwell, Lew
- Rockwell, Norman
- Roddenberry, Gene
- Roddick, Andy
- Rodet, Jean-Claude
- Rodger, Elliot
- Rodin, Auguste
- Rodney, Walter
- Rodrigues, Nelson
- Rodriguez, Alex
- Rodriguez, Favianna
- Rodriguez, Luis
- Rodriguez, Michelle
- Rodriguez, Paul (actor)
- Rodriguez, Richard
- Rodríguez Zapatero, José Luis
- Rodrik, Dani
- Roe, Kris
- Roecker, John
- Roerich, Nicholas
- Roethke, Theodore
- Rogan, Joe
- Roger, Brother
- Rogers, Carl
- Rogers, Fred
- Rogers, Ginger
- Rogers, Jane
- Rogers, Jim
- Rogers, John
- Rogers, Kenny
- Rogers, Samuel
- Rogers, Stan
- Rogers, Will
- Rogozin, Dmitry
- Röhm, Ernst
- Rohmer, Sax
- Rohr, Richard
- Rohrabacher, Dana
- Rohrer, Heinrich
- Rokossovsky, Konstantin
[edit]- Madame Roland (Marie-Jeanne Roland de la Platiere)
- Rolfe, Frederick
- Roll, Eric, Baron Roll of Ipsden
- Rolland, Romain
- Rollin, Charles
- Rollins, Henry
- Romanelli, Carl
- Romano, Ray
- Romario
- Romer, Christina
- Romer, David
- Romero, Elaine
- Romero, John
- Romero, Óscar
- Romilly, John, 1st Baron Romilly
- Rommel, Erwin
- Romney, Mitt
- Ronaldinho
- Ronaldo, Cristiano
- Ronaldo
- Ronell, Avital
- Ronsard, Pierre de
- Ronstadt, Linda
- Röntgen, Wilhelm
- Roochnik, David
- Rood, Ogden
- Rooke, Giles
- Rooney, Andy
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Rorem, Ned
- Rorty, Richard
- Rose, Axl
- Rose, Ernestine
- Rose, Flemming
- Rose, Howie
- Rose, Katy
- Rosebery, Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of
- Rosedale, Philip
- Rosen, Charles
- Rosen, Michael
- Rosen, Mike
- Rosen, Robert
- Rosenberg, Alfred
- Rosenberg, Ariel (a.k.a. Ariel Pink)
- Rosenberg, Harold
- Rosenberg, Isaac
- Rosenberg, Yair
- Rosenfeld, Léon
- Rosenfelder, Mark
- Rosenfels, Paul
- Rosenquist, James
- Rosenthal, Moriz
- Rosenzweig, Franz
- Rosling, Hans
- Ross, Blake
- Ross, Bob
- Ross, Christopher
- Ross, Dennis
- Ross, Diana
- Ross, Gary
- Ross, Jim
- Rossa, Jeremiah O'Donovan
- Rossellini, Isabella
- Rosser, Yvette
- Rossetti, Christina
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rossi, Vasco
- Rossini, Gioachino
- Rostand, Edmond
- Rostand, Jean
- Rosten, Leo
- Rota, Nino
- Rotaru, Sofia
- Roth, Cecil
- Roth, David Lee
- Roth, Gabriel
- Roth, Philip
- Roth, Richard, Jr.
- Roth, Veronica
- Rothbard, Murray
- Rothfuss, Patrick
- Rothko, Mark
- Rothschild, Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron
- Rouault, Georges
- Roubini, Nouriel
- Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph
- Rouhani, Hassan
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Rousseff, Dilma
- Routh, Martin Joseph
- Roux, Joseph
- Rovabokola, Ratu Viliame
- Rove, Karl
- Rovelli, Carlo
- Rowan, Carl
- Rowe, Elizabeth
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Rowland, Helen
- Rowland, Kevin
- Rowling, J. K.
- Roy, Arundhati
- Royce, Henry
- Royce, Josiah
- Roydon, Mathew
- Rozema, Patricia
[edit]- Rubaie, Mowaffak
- Rubbia, Carlo
- Rubin, Vera
- Rubinstein, Arthur
- Rubio, Marco
- Rucellai, Giovanni
- Rucker, Darius
- Rucker, Rudy
- Rudd, Kevin
- Rudebeck, Lars
- Rudge, Myles
- Rudner, Rita
- Rudnick, Paul
- Rueckert, Carla
- Ruggedman
- Ruiz, Don Miguel
- Ruiz, Miguel Ángel
- Rujula, Alvaro De
- Rukeyser, Muriel
- Rukeyser, Louis
- Rulfo, Juan
- Rumbaugh, James
- Rumbold, Richard
- Rumi, Jalal al-Din Muhammad
- Rumpe, Bernhard
- Rumsfeld, Donald
- Runciman, Steven
- Rundstedt, Gerd von
- Runyon, Damon
- Ruparelia, Sudhir
- RuPaul
- Rusbridger, Alan
- Ruscha, Edward
- Rush, Benjamin
- Rush, Geoffrey
- Rushdie, Salman
- Rushent, Martin
- Rushton, J. Philippe
- Ruska, Ernst
- Ruskin, John
- Russ, Joanna
- Russell, Bertrand
- Russell, Bill
- Russell, Dora
- Russell, George William
- Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell
- Russell, Mary Doria
- Russell, Nipsey
- Russell, Rosalind
- Russell, Sean
- Russell, Walter
- Russell, Willy
- Russell-Moyle, Lloyd
- Russo, Lucio
- Russo, Rene
- Russo, Richard
- Russolo, Luigi
- Rustin, Bayard
- Rutan, Burt
- Ruth, Babe
- Rutherford, Ernest
- Rutherford, Joseph Franklin
- Rutherford, Samuel
- Rutledge,Edward
- Rutter, Frank
- Ruysbroeck, John
- Ryan, Alan
- Ryan, Leo J.
- Ryan, Paul (politician)
- Ryan, Paul (video artist)
- Ryan, Rex
- Ryan, Richard
- Rybak, Alexander
- Ryle, Gilbert
- Ryle, J. C.
- Ryle, Martin
- Ryōkan
- Ryssdal, Kai